1. We’re Teaching This:
In any kind of competition or event, the winning is almost
always connected to the amount of preparation. The practice and the skill
building may not seem necessary in the moment, but when it’s Game On, those
skills are what take us all the way. Daniel was a young Jewish boy who
encountered his “Game On” moment over and over. Ultimately it was the
preparation of his faith skills that helped him through the most difficult of
Student: The RIGHT way of doing (money, politics, marriage,
etc.) is _________.
Me: Why?
Student: Because it’s RIGHT.
Me: Why?
And eventually we would end up at the same place. Because
that’s how their parents do it or say it should be done. Nearly 100% of the
time students expressed “their” opinions in what was clearly their parents’
language. Students take their cues on how to live from their parents more often
than anywhere else. This is particularly true when it comes to our faith. The
spoken or unspoken posture that we take toward Scripture, prayer, service, and
worship will ultimately be the model our students use as how things “should be
done”. So how can you leverage your influence as a parent without resorting to
lecturing or re-preaching each Sunday’s sermon?
1. Partner with the student ministry that your teenager attends.
Just because the sign out front says “students” doesn’t mean that you are unwelcome.
In fact, both the church and the home are more effective when they choose to
work on the same thing at the same time. Connect with your child’s small group leader;
be proactive in determining what they are learning and how you can engage your
student in conversation about that topic at home.
3. Ask your teen what he or she is learning. Silence doesn’t
always mean inactivity. Students process spiritual information in different ways.
Just because your teenage daughter doesn’t volunteer to tell you what she’s
learning at church doesn’t mean she simply goes to see her friends. Often students
simply do not know how to begin the conversation with their parents about
spiritual matters. Simply opening the door can allow you to speak valuable
words into their life. And remember, anytime you frame a question for your teenager;
be willing to answer the question yourself. Your transparency opens the door to
more transparency from them.
Week 1: What do you appreciate about God?
Week 2: Where have you noticed God’s activity
around you?
Week 3: How can we make God a bigger priority in
our family? (This is a great time to make a commitment as a family. You can
choose to pray together or at the same time each day, read scripture, or read a
devotional together. )
Week 4: How can God use our family?
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